Thursday, February 27, 2014

Journey Begins....

Hi all! Or to those of you that have ventured on to this blog. I'm still not quite sure what it is I'll be blogging about, but I know that I've decided to start in the health arena and go from there.

I'm not starting here because I have all the answers to getting a fantastic and healthy body and this is by no means a how-to; in truth I don't know anything. Like many people I have struggled with my weight and health; been down on myself because I don't look like the beautiful people in magazines or on TV and I definitely don't have those nicely defined abs that everyone strives for.  I honestly think those super-defined abs are a myth- a fairytale that health magazines and trainers have created to make us work harder; or pant over when Emma Stone makes Ryan Gosling take off his shirt. OK that's a lie, a nice set of defined abs is totally attainable; I just don't have them and that makes me a little green.

So like I said, I'm not an expert and this blog isn't meant to be a how-to in any way; it's a way for me to share my own journey, starting with health and fitness and branching out; and hopefully inspire others who are going through the same thing and get feedback and advice from those of you that actually know what you are talking about.

Now I have to be honest, I'm not going into this completely from scratch. I'm a runner and workout almost on a daily basis-so why am I stuck? That's a question that I keep coming back to time and time again. I get it, the diet is 90% of the success and that's probably the issue. So I'm seeing a nutritionist and there's a little weight loss but not much and life is very stressful so I don't feel successful. (See what I did there?)

So part of this is to be completely forth coming about everything; I have been heavy my whole life. There I said it, I am overweight. Whew, that was bit of reality that was hard to swallow but will ultimately help me. Because I am that person that always say's "I'm so fat"; expecting everyone to go "No you're not". I'm not fat, I am unhealthy and it's not good for my body to be at weight it is unless it's all muscle. So that's the first step that I'm going to take-realize and accept the truth but in a helpful, non destructive way.

Coming from a family that is over weight, didn't look into nutrition that much, wasn't that active and really needed to live on a budget didn't help my health. I tried to be active in school; joined a lot of team sports and tried hard but seeing all of the tiny, fit class mates of mine excelling where I couldn't even keep up and snickering about me behind my back really discouraged me.

The teachers sorta tried, they never really took a real interest in me since I'm sure that they had a lot of other things to deal with so there wasn't a lot of time to help me work through it or feel better about myself. They gave up on me and so did I. Because for the longest time I never thought I was worth the effort.

There was one coach I had that to this day does inspire me; my swim coach. She was tough and never accepted excuses and in her middle age still looked amazing. When she wasn't a coach she was one of the nicest people I have ever known and one of the few people that ever believed in me and my abilities to swim. Thanks to her, I started to see some results from swimming, loosing weight and seeing my clothes get loose. The results never stuck though, I ate terrible, cheap, processed food at an alarming caloric intake. I had no idea how to manage portions, I was and still am a bottomless pit.

This endless cycle is what I aim to end and I hope that this blog turns out to be an effective tool to help that goal.

Cheers to being healthy and happy everybody!

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